The Miami County Safety Council February Meeting
Following this month’s presentation on “911 At Your Service” by Jeff Busch, Director of the Miami County Communication Center, the Safety Council would like to say thank you to all the women and men who work at the 911 communication center and for everything that they do for our community.
When learning about all the Miami County calls that come into the Communication Center and how many fire units, EMS, volunteer firefighters, police, and sheriff personnel are dispatched you start to understand the importance of receiving clear information and the relaying of that information. When calling into the 911 call center stay focused, know where you are and why you are calling. It helps to regularly review your company’s emergency protocol just in case there is an emergency.
This month’s meeting will be Thursday, March 12, from 12:00 noon – 1:30pm with guest presenter Josh Childers, Konecranes, Inc. Field Operative Development Manager, on the topic of “Overhead Crane Safety: Why it Matters”. Members can RSVP on the Piqua Chamber’s website.